The Coastal Museum of Sæby is located in the historical half-timbered building “Consul Ørum’s Farm”. The Farm originates from the 17th century but it achieved its current appearance around 1800. The exhibitions at the Coastal Museum give a thorough introduction to the historical development of the charming borough, where you will still find several historical buildings that originates from the middle ages.

During the middle ages the borough of Sæby was influenced by the Carmelite Order, who established a local convent around 1460 (today the Church of Sæby). In the museum you will find an exhibition with a virtual introduction to the fascinating history behind the Church of Sæby and to its unique frescos.

The Coastal Life of Sæby is another theme that is unfolded at the museum. The Stream of Sæby was the only natural harbour in the region until 1879, and the stream gave prosperity to a wide range of craftsmen and local businesses. And the prosperity and development of Sæby continued with the finding of a local Iron Well around 1883. Due to the Iron Well wellness tourism blossomed and thus tourists and cultural hob nobs found their way to Sæby, where they all sought health by drinking water from the Iron Well, walks in the forest and swims in the sea.

At the Coastal Museum you can learn more about the development of Sæby and embarque on a fascinating journey through the history.